Is it possible to use long bottle hair? How to clean the feeding bottle?
In the late spring and early summer, there was continuous rain and rain. In the season when the rain flooded, the temperature was not low and it was most likely to breed mold. Baby products are prone to mildew if they are not careful. How do parents clean it when they encounter moldy hair on a baby bottle? Let's tell you the correct way
3 Remove each part of the bottle and clean it separately. When cleaning the bottle, you need to remove the bottle body, pacifier and pacifier seat and wash them separately. This is important because a lot of old milk can accumulate between the pacifier and the pacifier, causing bacteria to breed.

a) You can wait until you are free later to wash it more carefully, but rinse it quickly to avoid excessive milk and dirt accumulation in the bottle.
b) Rinse with hot water as much as possible to clean the bottle more effectively.
2. Prepare proper cleaning utensils. Appropriate utensils can greatly help in cleaning bottles. Make sure you have:
a) Clean the bottle brush at the bottom and sides of the bottle, and the nipple brush for washing the rubber nipple. Teats are prone to bacteria.
b) Detergent for bottle. These detergents are very mild and non-toxic, leaving no greasy soap residue in the bottle.
c) If you use plastic bottles, you must ensure that they are free of phenol methane (bisphenol A). Bisphenol A has an estrogen-like effect, and the US Food and Drug Administration banned its use in bottle production in 2012.
How to clean the milk bottle
What to pay attention to when cleaning bottles3 Remove each part of the bottle and clean it separately. When cleaning the bottle, you need to remove the bottle body, pacifier and pacifier seat and wash them separately. This is important because a lot of old milk can accumulate between the pacifier and the pacifier, causing bacteria to breed.
How to wash baby bottles properly
Wash immediately after using the bottle. Immediately after feeding your baby to drink, take the bottle to the sink and rinse it quickly.a) You can wait until you are free later to wash it more carefully, but rinse it quickly to avoid excessive milk and dirt accumulation in the bottle.
b) Rinse with hot water as much as possible to clean the bottle more effectively.
2. Prepare proper cleaning utensils. Appropriate utensils can greatly help in cleaning bottles. Make sure you have:
a) Clean the bottle brush at the bottom and sides of the bottle, and the nipple brush for washing the rubber nipple. Teats are prone to bacteria.
b) Detergent for bottle. These detergents are very mild and non-toxic, leaving no greasy soap residue in the bottle.
c) If you use plastic bottles, you must ensure that they are free of phenol methane (bisphenol A). Bisphenol A has an estrogen-like effect, and the US Food and Drug Administration banned its use in bottle production in 2012.