NY baseball caps are so hot, but do you know how to get real MLB baseball caps?
What is MLB and what is New Era?

NY baseball cap is so hot, but do you know what MLB is? What kind of brand is New Era? Finally, how to buy a genuine MLB baseball cap?

MLB stands for Major League Baseball and is not a brand. Just like the NBA exists, he does not have his own brand, but if he wants to hang his brand, they need their authorization. As far as the baseball caps mentioned in this article, one authorized by MLB is New Era.

New Era is an old manufacturer of hats. He was founded in 1920 and is headquartered in New York, USA. He produces 25 million licensed and unauthorized high-quality fashion accessories each year. In addition to the production of American Professional Basketball (NBA) and American Professional Football (NFL) caps, the most popular is the MLB hat series. As many hip-hop celebrities and film celebrities wear New Era hats, New Era hats have stepped out of sports and become popular with people who like street culture and sports leisure. New Era is known as the world's best quality and best-designed professional baseball cap brand. Its slogan is "It's not a cap, it's a flag!" (This is not an ordinary hat, this is a flag!).

How to buy genuine MLB baseball caps

New Era has only a few stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Only online through Amazon overseas purchase and YOHO mall can you buy authentic hats online.
New Era official website
Of course, Lina's first recommendation is New Era's official website!
The design of the website is simple and generous, and it is easy to search for the style you need. Prices range from $ 20-40.
